The Marshall Mathers LP, The Slim Shady LP, The Eminem Show, Infinite, Recovery, 8 Mile, Relapse, Encore, Curtain Call: The Hits, The Marshall ...развернуть
О́стин Ри́чард Пост (англ. Austin Richard Post; род. 4 июля 1995), более известен как Post Malone — американский рэпер, певец и автор песен. Он ...развернуть
Watching Movies with the Sound Off, Macadelic, In the Air, But My Mackin Aint Easy, On and On and Beyond, Blue Slide Park, Stolen Youth, I Love ...развернуть
Paul's Boutique, Licensed to Ill, Check Your Head, Hot Sauce Committee Part Two, Hello Nasty, Ill Communication, To the 5 Boroughs, Solid Gold ...развернуть
Twenty One Pilots, Regional at Best, Vessel, Blurryface, Trench, Scaled and Icy
Густав Элайджа Ар (англ. Gustav Elijah Åhr, 1 ноября 1996, Аллентаун, Пенсильвания — 15 ноября 2017, Тусон, Аризона), более известный по сценич ...развернуть
Stranger, Unknown Memory, Unknown Death 2002, Warlord
Нейтан Джон Фейерштейн (англ. Nathan John Feuerstein, 30 марта 1991, Глэдуин, Мичиган, США), более известный по сценическому псевдониму NF (сти ...развернуть
Big, These Things Happen, The Endless Summer, The Outsider, Must Be Nice, Marilyn, Mercedes Benz (The American Dream), Lost in Translation
Swan Songs B-Sides EP, Swan Songs, Notes from the Underground, Desperate Measures, Swan Songs Rarities, Hollywood Undead – EP, American Tragedy ...развернуть
Ten$ion, $O$, 5, XP€N$IV $H1T, Ekstra, Dis Iz Why I'm Hot, Evil Boy (Fuck You in the Face mix), Cookie Thumper!, Pitbull Terrier, Donker Mag, F ...развернуть
What's Going On, All in the Family
House of Pain, Same as It Ever Was, Rhino Hi-Five: House of Pain, Shamrocks & Shenanigans: The Best of House of Pain and Everlast, Truth Crushe ...развернуть
Devil Without a Cause, Fire It Up, Rock n Roll Jesus, The History of Rock, Early Mornin' Stoned Pimp, Grits Sandwiches for Breakfast, All Summe ...развернуть
Labor Days, Bazooka Tooth, Float, Build Your Own Bazooka Tooth, Daylight, Appleseed, Coma / Maintenance, None Shall Pass, Crooked, Music for Ea ...развернуть
The Dutchess, Big Girls Don't Cry, A Little Party Never Killed Nobody (All We Got), London Bridge, Here I Come, Finally, The Dutchess Deluxe EP ...развернуть
Black Flag, Lace Up, Half Naked & Almost Famous, Invincible, Wild Boy, Victory Music, Wild Boy (Remix), Alice In Wonderland, Homecoming, Certif ...развернуть
Fantastic Damage, The Cold Vein, Weareallgoingtoburninhellmegamixxx3, Collecting the Kid, Shards of Pol Pottery: The 2001 Remixes, I'll Sleep W ...развернуть
Chemical Warfare, Return of the Mac, 1st Infantry, Albert Einstein, Rare Chandeliers, No Days Off, The Good Book, The Chemistry Files, Insomnia ...развернуть
Trunk Muzik 0-60, Radioactive, Arena Rap EP, Psycho White, Trunk Muzik Returns, Love Story
Bo Burnham, Bo Fo Sho, Words Words Words, What.
Jigsaw, Blah Blah, Public Warning, Vertically Challenged, 9 to 5, Size Don't Matter, A Little Bit of Shhh!, Ch Ching (Cheque 1 2), Love Me or H ...развернуть
The Heist, The VS. Redux, The Language of My World, Open Your Eyes, Same Love, My Oh My, Thrift Shop, Wings, Make the Money, The Vs. EP, The Un ...развернуть
Dr. Lecter, Blue Chips 2, Converge / Dropdead Split, Saaab Stories, Rare Chandeliers, Long Pinky, You Make Me Feel..., Galaxy Gladiators
A Carnival Christmas, The Wraith: Shangri-La, The Wraith: Hell's Pit, Forgotten Freshness Volumes 1 & 2, Carnival of Carnage, Intelligence and ...развернуть
Адам Киф Хоровиц (англ. Adam Keefe Horovitz; род. 31 октября 1966), известный как Ad-Rock или King Ad-Rock, — американский рэпер, музыкант и ав ...развернуть
Flowers in the Pavement, Flying Colours, Day of the Dog, Circus in the Sky, The Arrival, Running on Air, Act Your Age, Bullet and a Target, Hou ...развернуть
We the People, Flipsyde, State of Survival, Linger On the Edge of Everything, Tower of Hollywood, The Phoenix, Happy Birthday, Someday
Somethin 'Bout Kreay, Rich Whore, Gucci Gucci, Breakfast (Syrup)
12 Inches of Snow, Two Hands Clapping, Murder Love, Mind on the Moon, Justuss, Cooler Conditions, Greatest Hits of Snow, Informer, Girl I've Be ...развернуть
Ричард Оукс (англ. Richard Oakes, родился 1 октября 1976 в Периуэйле) — британский музыкант и автор песен, гитарист и клавишник группы Suede. ...развернуть
Boy-Cott-In the Industry, Hitch Hikin' Music, Unpredictable, Classified, Trial & Error, Union Dues, Self-Explanatory, Hand Shakes and Middle Fi ...развернуть
Domino, Alive, Who You Are, Price Tag, Wild, iTunes Festival: 2012, Who's Laughing Now, Nobody's Perfect, Up, LaserLight, It's My Party, Silver ...развернуть
What's Wrong With Bill?, The Early Years : Rare Demos '91 - '94, Howie Made Me Do It, The Grimy Awards, The Hour of Reprisal, Ill Bill Is the F ...развернуть
Turtleneck & Chain, Incredibad, The Creep (feat. Nicki Minaj), The Wack Album, Jack Sparrow, YOLO, When Will the Bass Drop, I Just Had Sex, 3-W ...развернуть
The Weatherman LP, Another Sound Mission, Searching 4 Bobby Fisher, Yellow Tape Instrumentals, Cats & Dogs, The Layover EP, Musique de Thelonio ...развернуть
31 Minutes to Takeoff, A Matter of Time, One Foot Out The Door, Please Don't Go, Cooler Than Me, Drug Dealer Girl, Looks Like Sex, Bow Chicka W ...развернуть
Fight with Tools, The Circle in the Square, Platypus, Survival Story, Onomatopoeia, Handlebars, Rise
The Boston Project, A World With No Skies 2.0, Portal, The White Man Is the Devil, The Devil Never Dies, The King of Everything Else
Country Mike's Greatest Hits
Masters of the Dark Arts, A Brand You Can Trust, Brand Name Dope, Mind Your Business
King & The Cauze Mixtape, God of the Serengeti, The Sound and the Fury, Raw Is War, Heavy Metal Kings, Carry On Tradition, Season of the Assass ...развернуть
Apex Predator, Psalm 82:6, Block Obama II, Mr. Pig Face Weapon Waist, In None We Trust EP, Get Doe, Million Dollar $tory EP, Boss Music, Young ...развернуть
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